
Showing posts from February, 2022

He Knew Exactly What To Do When He Saw A Trapped Wolf In His Coyote Trap

  Worldwide He Knew Exactly What To Do When He Saw A Trapped Wolf In His Coyote Trap Published on 08/22/2019 He Knew Exactly What To Do When He Saw A Trapped Wolf In His Coyote Trap ADVERTISEMENT Keep Watching John Oens is a hunter who spends quite a lot of time in the woods. During one day in November, he had been out with his friends in the wilderness of Wisconsin. While he had been checking the traps he put in place, the unbelievable happened. He was going through his coyote traps when he saw that it caught something bigger than he expected. When the group made this discovery, they could not believe their eyes. Needless to say, this moment changed their lives forever. In the middle of the woods, they found a huge animal stuck in one of the traps. This situation was not good whatsoever. As a matter of fact, it might even lead to their demise if they did not handle it properly. It is always difficult to deal with a wounded animal, but they had it even worse. It was not a smal...

Diabetes in Pets

  Veterinarians Get the client information brochure  Diabetic Pets  to educate your clients about diabetes. Available in both English and Spanish ( Mascotas Diabeticas ). Diabetes is more common in older pets, but it can also occur in younger or pregnant pets. The disease is more manageable if it is detected early and managed with the help of your veterinarian. The good news is that with proper monitoring, treatment, and diet and exercise, diabetic pets can lead long and happy lives. What is diabetes? Diabetes mellitus, or diabetes, is a condition that occurs when the body can not use glucose (a type of sugar) normally.  Glucose is the main source of energy for the body’s cells.   The levels of glucose in the blood are primarily controlled by a hormone called insulin, which is made by the pancreas. As food passes through the intestines during digestion, sugars are one of the nutrients absorbed from the food.  The sugars are transported into the cells t...

What it Means if Your Fish is Swimming Erratically

  What it Means if Your Fish is Swimming Erratically Fish make beautiful pets that absolutely keep us entertained, but when their swimming habits change or become erratic it can cause us to wonder: “Is that normal?” Fish swimming in circles, up and down, backward and other consistent swim patterns are among the behaviors you may observe of your aquatic life at some point, and understanding them will help you know when things are perfectly normal, and when there is cause for concern. Signs and symptoms of your fish swimming erratically The behavior:  Rubbing or banging against items in their tank What it could mean:  If you’ve noticed that your fish seems to be rubbing or banging against things in their aquarium frequently, they could be displaying what’s known as “flashing,” or “itchy fish.” As the name implies, a fish that’s constantly banging up against things in their aquarium could actually be trying to scratch themselves. There are a number of reasons they could be d...

Why is My Fish Coming to the Surface to Breathe?

  Why is My Fish Coming to the Surface to Breathe? Usually, aquarium fish happily swim and hang out at different depths of the aquarium. Some fish varieties prefer to dwell mostly near the bottom, while others are more inclined to spend their days in the middle or upper regions of the aquarium. One thing you don’t want to see, however, is a fish that is spending a lot of time right near the surface of the water—perhaps gasping—and in apparent distress. Table of Contents How do fish breath? What to do if your fish are staying at the top of their tank Poor water quality Overcrowding Lack of aeration Improper water temperature Fish that are suppose to breathe at the top of their tank Related articles How do fish breathe? A fish may linger near the surface because he’s trying to breathe more easily. Remember, fish breathe  dissolved  oxygen—not oxygen that is already combined in the H2O molecule. Naturally, these dissolved oxygen levels tend to be higher near the surface, whe...

How to Calm Down a Stressed Fish

  How to Calm Down a Stressed Fish It can be difficult to notice when our pets are in distress, especially because they can’t tell us exactly what’s wrong. For aquatic life, this can be even more challenging, as can knowing what to do once a problem has been recognized. The truth is, even small, subtle changes in fish behavior or appearance can indicate stress. It’s important to know how fish become stressed and how to react quickly when it happens. Why fish get stressed Anyone who has fish knows that they are complicated creatures. Like humans, they get stressed but in ways you might not have considered. Some of the most common fish stressors include: Poor water quality or incorrect water temperature:  Besides the actual water that you put into your aquarium, water quality is impacted by a number of other factors, including the  filter system  (and whether it’s working properly), the accessories and décor in the habitat (gravel, aquatic plants and other objects...